What a great idea it is to have a label for your business or product. Whether you have a brick-and-mortar company or a website, you need some way to identify your products and services. That's why stickers are so effective! They're quick, easy and really come down to what people actually want to know. If you look close, most businesses use sticker labels as their primary marketing tool. However, there are other methods that can also be used effectively. So, in this article, we'll take you through some of the various ways that you personalised sticker labels can make your business or product label unique and memorable. Save the really important name in your business Sticker labels are easy to make. You can purchase them in a range of designs and materials such as fabric, paper, plastic, and cardboard. Once you've created the design and printed it out, you can stick it on the wall or add it to a website. Once you use it, people will want to know who made the pr...